Friday, October 14, 2016

32 or even 52 OR EVEN 70 is the new 8 year old

Image result for 50 is new 30 t shirts pics 
Recently,  after I turned 40 (hahah, its a small joke) yes I am more than 40, let it be known,  a relative said, "40 is the new 25".  Even more recently than that, a friend turned 50 and got a t shirt which read, "50, the new 30".   Wait a sec.  Whose math is bad here?  How can 40 be 25 and 50 be only 30?

One of the unfortunate implications of these number changing schenanigans is that we are supposed to be just as free and in good health at 40 as we were at 25.  40 is 25, meaning we act like we are 25 years old.   That doesn't sit well with me.

Granted when I turned 40 I was still going out to all night parties and going to a lot of shows and eating out a lot.  But all that changed when something called, a child, My Child, came into my world.  Now wait a sec, it didn't mean I became a stodgy old geezer dad, not exercising and being a couch potato.  Well, actually I did become more of a couch potato, even though I don't have a TV. But there are many Stay at Home Dads that do a lot of exercise and keep themselves fit.  Some do fall into tire iron territory, but it doesn't have to be that way.   BUT it did mean that I had more responsibilities that I HAD to take care of, whether that meant waking up at 3am or 7am or pushing my writing to between 10 pm and Midnight if I had the strength.  It meant doing house chores and  baby cleaning (both of which I enjoy) and making sure neither house, nor baby, nor Mother fell into a chaotic spiral downward.  Again, this is called responsibility.  Some of us may need to spell that word out to get it.   I admit I am weak on some of my responsibilities, getting enough money for the household is getting me down, and some times bad trade offs of being home all day in exchange for other days when I come home at 8pm is not good.  I am not sure that is the right balance.  But the point is, I have to work on it, and I have to get better.  It is my duty to.

Unfortunately ( I will use that word again) many men take the literal meaning of 40 IS THE NEW 25 and continue to party like its 1999.  Not only that, but their morals have taken a suicidal leap off the proverbial cliff and they try to convince themselves that they are Gods gift to women. Still.  This, even when they have a successful marriage even to a wonderful woman, or maybe a faithful woman who loves them, despite problems in their husband|s character.

But the worst is that some men carry on like they are 25 when they have kids.  They are 32 or even 52, they have a kid(s) and yet they don't know they have responsibilities to all involved.  This to me should be one of the ten commandments, or at least the 11th.  Thou shalt not cavort around like a 25 year old imbecile when you are married and have kids and you are REALLY 40 or even 52.  Fine, call me a judgmental preacher, PC "holier than thou" tosser.  But look at the truth of this.

Image result for anthony weiner picsAnthony Weiner, 52, was a Congressman, a US Congressman no less, and he lost it due to his sexting (sending sexually explicit pictures of oneself via mobile cell phone).  Then he runs for mayor, and gets caught sexting again.  Does he go to rehabilitation and admit he has a problem?  Nooooo, he sends a close up of his crotch to a 17 year old and... loses his marriage this time.  Now, who the, what the, this is... this isn't 52 acting like 25, this is 52 acting like 8 years old!!   Anthony, get a clue.  You threw away a high governmental position, a mayoral race, and now you have thrown away your family.  Just so he might have a chance to do it with a 17 year old?  Anthony don't you see that either you have a serious inferiority complex or you are arrogant and have an extreme case of narcissism.  You have a problem.  Your next texting will be from jail to your warden.

This my friends is the result of not realizing your responsibilities and really thinking you are 25 when you are 52 when in reality my 8 year old is more responsible and a better person than you.

Look, if you want to run around with Sue and be showing off your good looks and your pecs or even genitals or tire iron in hopes of getting something, fine, go ahead.  But do not, do not do it when you have kids or equal responsibilities.   Do not.  Stop it.  Now.

Because  even worse, you want to know the worst case scenario?  Death! That can be the end result.
Death of a poor little toddler.  A really nice looking kid.    Now admittedly, it sadly happens more than it should that toddlers are left in the car in a sweltering heat.  This isn't the first person.  And the father charged, has not been found guilty and is innocent until proven guilty.  However, the facts are that he was sexting to at least 6(some underage) girls and he was not happy with his family life.  The result is the gruesome death of a beautiful child.

Look guys, if you want to be a free wheeling playboy that is fine.  I know guys who have done that until they are 50.   A good friend did that.  But you can not, repeat, not, start a family AND THEN decide you dont like family life and you want to go back to the free wheeling partier.  No no.  Once you have made that decision whether you made it unconsciously and unthinkingly or you planned it, you cant turn it around.  You cant go back to "the good ol days", if they were that indeed.

Friends,  it is time for us to realize what we are getting into and then act responsibly.  If you are having trouble at home keeping up your responsibilities, the best is to find professional people to talk to, or even your church leader if you want, or a friend you respect.  It just makes me sad how we have lost the value of responsibility.  Let 40 or 50 equal 25, but in health and strength.  And let 40 equal 40 in wisdom and maturity.  Dont let 52 equal 8.  Or else you might as well be Benjamin Buttons going back in age, or you might end up like: