Monday, March 23, 2020

No Respect for Daddy

Good Times
Last post,  ages and ages ago, I talked about the summertime and just me taking care of my daughters.  Me responsible for everything, but me reaping all the rewards of being a good father having a great time with his daughters.  That time was very favorable.  Now the times have been a changing, and not in my favor.  

In this very very difficult time during the Corona Virus
Bad Times
pandemic, everyone in our family is staying at home.  We live in a European country (not Italy) and most of the governments in Europe (besides the UK) have very strict, draconian rules in place now.  Most businesses are shut, including mine.  My wife is working from home.  Masks are necessary to have to go outside.  They are really trying hard to contain this virus and then shut it down.  I am being hurt, but I accept what they are doing.  If we did nothing the death count could spiral into a major catastrophy and destroy the economy anyway.  Seriously.

You know I ve had my share
Well, anyway, we are all at home.  Tempers are going to go bad and fly off (probably more on that subject in my next post).  We still get out some, but we spend a good deal of time in the house and dont see anyone else.

The connection with my last post is that now I have absolutely no clout with my kids.  In the summer time I was the man and they listened to me and mostly we got along and if I said something, most of the time they listened to me and did what I wanted.  I didnt have to yell. 

No such thing here and now.  Mommy has all the clout.  Daddy gets no respect.  Its frustrating and I gave a sigh just as I was writing that.  Now I  yell at them and tell them to do things and it amounts to hot air blowing out of my lungs.  In fact they talk back to me and throw stupid questions in my face which only get me angrier.  I asked my daugther from the morning to practice her guitar.  It didnt happen until 9pm and of course after Mommy got on her case too.  What happened to my credibility?  I am angrier, I note that, and yes I realize that the more you yell, the less it works, but when Mommy comes in with a super yell and "Enough of this" they get down to business and listen to her. 

This does not bode well for the long term. If this virus keeps us in this situation for an extended period, and an extended period is a month, which it looks like is going to happen I think my daughters will be yelling AT ME and refusing to do anything I ask them to do.  OR, just not listen to me.   It has just been a week and a half at this time of writing. 

What happened here?  Mommy is the boss and they listen to her.  I might as well check out of here or just not say anything.  Everything I ask them to do comes to naught.  A very bad situation.  Frustrating for me as I already mentioned. 

No respect for Daddy. 
What happened? 
This link is a very long blog of what I am talking about, though this guy has much more anger.  The article just about perfectly hits my situation on the head.  Just about.

Please practice social distancing now. Wear masks and be safe and, stay away from people for now.  It could mean your life and others. 
Would appreciate any comments which mean something, not bot comments or people touting their business or products.  Kind of annoying.  Stay well besides.  And listen to more Bob Dylan if you are getting upset and covid is getting you way down