From this writing, Roblox (RBLX) came on the market ticker a week or two ago now. What is Roblox? If you dont know, then you probably shouldnt read this blog because you dont have kids. But I will review it anyway. Roblox is a game portal. Please note it is not one game. It is thousands, even millions of games all on one site. If you spent the rest of your life no matter how old you are just playing video games you would only dent the number of games already on this portal.
Before on this blog I have of course disparaged video games as the enemy of fathers all over. The interruptor of school and the pull for kids to backslide into a land of no responsibility and eternal bliss in gamedom ... which ends up like a HEL, Well, I probably havent said it like that before, but suffice to say, gaming has caused me trouble, especially during this covid school at home time.
Here are some facts from Roblox. 75 per cent of kids under the age of thirteen in the US have or still play Roblox. 3 billion hours were spent playing roblox by kids in July 2020. It increased a lot this last year because so many people couldnt go visit friends so they played on roblox even had parties there when they couldnt have friends over. But the biggest thing is, roblox made in revenue last year close to 1 billion dollars (923.9 million) but in fact they lost over 200 million on that money. They lost mainly because they were expanding more and hiring more and filling out a lot more. But now here is the stinger. You know how they got most of their money? They get it when players - and remember most of those players are under 13 and a good twentry five per cent of them are under 9 - buy stuff for their characters and buy virtual accessories. Where are they gettig this money? Well either they use their hard earned money they get from their parents for doing jobs around the house (allowance) or maybe they pillaged their parents credit cards or something nefarious. Literally Roblox is taking candy from the baby's mouth. And the time kids spend on roblox per day? About 2.56 hours, 2 and a half hours a day.
Now a) I dont want my kids watching more than 1 hour of tv a day on school days. BUT, this isnt tv, this is games. This is playing. Kids can play basketball or street hockey for two hours at a time. Geez my girls and I can play hours of Monopoly. We finish one game and they want to start another. If I am home a week day we can spend a couple hours on Monopoly. So what is Roblox? Something to be limited like TV or a game and kids play games all afternoon as long as they get their school work done and any other responsibilities for work, like practicing an instrument. When I was young I played at my friends house on the matchbox cars set up. We played for hours any day when we had it constructed. So what, Now kids play on video games. Is there a difference? A game is a game.

Weeeelll, the thing is though that video games can be so mindless. Just using your thumbs and shooting. There is little to no value in many of them. Brawl stars? Geez us. Jumping or shooting is about the extent of many video games. I would rather they watch TV. And it gets your adrenaline going with no exercise. It is a zero calories expended exercise. You dont lose any calories, you sit or lie on your tuff and drink and eat and go pow pow pow jump jump. Mindless. I see also that my daughter gets more agressive and anxious after she has been playing video games for some time. Its not like she is expending any energy either, but she gets that agressive adrenaline rush with no exercise. And when you do exercise you dont get more agressive, you get calmer, and more tired. Not so with video games. So the longer they play, the more calories they dont spend and the more agressive they get. B) Kids spending their money on this, to the tune of 1 billion dollars last year around the world. All going where? To these roblox owners and the investors now. But in fact many of the games, if not all are made by the online developers, not the studio or a group of people. So in fact there are currently about 7 million developers and they make the money. They made 328 million dollars last year. You may say that is 46 dollars per person, but of course the good developers make all the money and most of them dont make much at all. It is top heavy with a long long tail. According to Roblox themselves, 99.47 per cent of the delvelopers make a little more than nothing. On the other side 3 developers made 10 million dollars or more and 29 developers made a million. It sounds kind of like real life. A very very few people make the most money while over 95 per cent of us just make ends meet or in fact dont make ends meet. Meanwhile the kids are spending the money on things in a video game, virtual dresses and stuff for their characters. But it is probably in the end coming from mom and pop which isnt much different from mom and pop buying the games anyway, or the kids going to the toy store to get the latest.
So is this really really bad? Isnt it just a new format for how kids play these days? Well... again, thinking about it and writing it down, it is not as bad as I thought it was. In fact I should say that in the course of writing this post, I have sort of changed my mind on the damage roblox and video games can do. BUUUUUTTTT, like everything, it has to be "eaten" and used in balance to everything else. That is my one gripe left. This can not be the substitute to kids for their social life. Granted this last year was different and kids had to "stay away" from each other and so they clambered to socializing through games, but in regular times, kids have to get out and run around, FOR REAL. They have to socialize with other kids in person, not virtually.
choc covered potato chips? |
Like potato chips and chocolate, they can not live on video games and roblox alone. They have to balance it with everything else. But, that should probably be the parents job. Yes this is difficult because if the kids go out and meet other kids, half the time they will just gather in person to play more roblox together. Not much difference. There is an app controlling the amount of time spent on any one thing, on netflix or hbo, facebook and also on roblox. You, parents have to find this and control it. Two hours??? Its up to you. But make sure they do other things and they should also practice their musical instruments. Think about it. They can play 5 hours on roblox in the day but cant practice the guitar or piano or violin for 15 minutes or half an hour? Which will be more valuable for the time? In other words 20 minutes of practicing a musical instrument is much more valuable than 2 hours of roblox video games. So say I. And I have told my daugther that countless times......
To no avail. Gosh darned evil video games. They sure make good parenting tough.
This is my first post on roblox. I think I might have another one some time when I think of it more.
Oh, I got a lot of my information from this article. It has a lot of the statistics right there for you.
Here is another one
I was listening to some techno eps I will be getting on vinyl this week in fact. Like this one
Jeroen Search. New ep on Figurex number 23
Also this one: BP057
Mark Broom and James Ruskin. Blueprint label.
Also here is the table of the amount of money roblox
developers make.
Number of developers & creators | Range of rewards |
962,452 | $0+ |
3,749 | $1,000+ |
1,057 | $10,000+ |
249 | $100,000+ |
29 | $1 million+ |
3 | $10 million+ |
Source: Roblox.