Monday, December 19, 2022

Why do parents still teach fear?

 I have been coming into conflict with people on line mostly about movies that are being made and shown in theatres.   In the past year people on an economic blog have  become very upset with several movies made by Disney corp.  Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story, and to a lesser extent Thor and Black Panther.  

People on an economic blog accuse Disney of being "woke" and shoving a political agenda down all of our faces.  I guess I have to interrupt at this time and say that actually the woke movement is from the tens of 2000s, so my daughter tells me and may be finished now or died down or gone. I dont know. It seems to be another word for "politically correct"  I am not sure, I missed the details.  And since I missed the details I cannot say for sure, but to me, it just seemed like  progressiveness.  Forging ahead in trying to get respect for all members of society and earth and INCLUDE rather than EXCLUDE.  

But I suppose these people see it as a leftist movement or liberal, whether it be "save the planet", "anti racism" "anti homophobic"  "anti colonialism"  or any other such topic.  They seem to put it in terms of a political agenda.  I dont get that.  Does the right strive to be exclusionaries?  Maybe so?  I always thought showing respect wasnt a right or left thing, it was just a human value we strive for whether coming from Ward Cleaver in Leave it to Beaver or the coming movie (which should be opening up this weekend as I write) Avatar 2, respect for the planet and environment.  

At any rate, the point being is that I just cant understand parents teaching their kids to hate or even to watch out.  Dont trust those people.  Stay away from them.  Dont make friends with them.  But that said, I guess I can understand.  Is it really because in our hearts we are afraid and want to teach our children either to also be afraid or to be secure by watching out for those other people.  Because they will get you.  They are dangerous.  In other words, outwardly society these days wants us to be accepting but in our hearts, we cannot be, and we are still afraid and we actually pass that on.  

But then I come back to the question, how or why do we still teach our children fear? I would think teaching fear is anti thetical (if that is the right word) to teaching strength.  If you are afraid, then arent you a weaker person?  If you are afraid to do things, or have experiences, you will be a lesser person with fewer experiences.  The stronger individual is one that has gone out to the frontiers and not been afraid.  In the same way, how is it good to teach our children fear of other people?  That only makes them weaker and more afraid to interact and experinece.  Right?  Or does that  come down to DNA anyway?  

So, the point being that doesnt it make our children stronger to go out and learn about other people without fear?  If my children can live in the world and know that other people exist who are different from them and it is not a bad thing, it probably is very good, then dont they become stronger individuals?  So why do parents continue to teach their children to be afraid of others?   To teach fear?  

Exclusive: Disney/Pixar's 'Lightyear,' with same-sex couple, will not play in 14 countries; China in question

 You can not imagine the extreme outrage that was written about Toy Story with Buzz lightyear when he kissed another guy. They were just so angry.   I didnt even see the movie though would still like to, but I cant understand why that so did bother many parents.  And get a load of this.  Not only do parents teach fear, but governments teach fear.  The Chinese government banned that film from being shown in China.  Saudia Arabia, (well of course) banned it from being shown.   That just tells me that these governments are so weak they are so afraid of their citizens seeing a differnet type of person that exists in the world and personally does no harm to you in Saudia Arabia, or China, but for some reason should be feared and banned.  

Well, I guess 1.3 billion chinese people are going to be the weaker for it.   And they will continue to be "afraid".  Where as the superior unafraid individual will be stronger by forging ahead and learning more about everybody and being inclusive rather than exclusive.  The people who can understand and not be afraid of other people, will definitely be a stronger, superior even smarter person.  Sorry Chinese, your government, though not the first time, is really weakening you.  

But what about these Americans who are afraid also and still teach their children fear?  I guess I can understand it, but I cant?  Why should I pass on a fear of mine to my kids?  I want them to be strong individuals.  Every generation must become better and move away from fear.  So thinks me at any rate. 

Lets have a wonderful Merry Christmas and happy holidays for all.   

If I had it in my power, I would bless you all.    

Sunday, December 11, 2022

This stupid education system

 When I was in fifth grade I lived in Austria for a year.  But because my birthday was in November I was in the grade below in fourth grade.   I went to the local school, my dad said, why not? They put me in a class with a teacher who could speak and understand a bit of english.  Back in those days very few people in Europe could speak english.   An American in the class was something of a spectacle.  

At first they sat me next to a kid who had lived in Scotland for some time and spoke english very well.  I sat next to him for maybe all of September, but then his father said his son had to move away from me.  His son had to concentrate hard because the tests to get into "gymnasium" would be at the end of fifth grade and he shouldnt have a distraction like me during classes.  I always remember that.  I never met his father, but I sure would like to kick him in the butt for doing that.  

See, this is how it works in Europe.  At the end of fifth grade the kids who can and want (or are pushed by their parents) to take a couple big tests can try to get into the "upper school" and not the regular school  This is called the Gymnasium.  There are many gymnasium schools but you can only try to get into two.  

Please just a little help
So, look, not to be selfish, but I really needed some help. I was in the German speaking school and although I was already pretty good in undestanding and speaking German, I sure could have used the help of that kid for at least half the year till Christmas.  I mean, I guess I still sound selfish, but wouldnt it have been nicer to help out a bit?  But the father was so worried for his kid even before fifth grade when they take the tests, in fourth grade already, that he didnt want ANY distractions for his son.  TWO years ahead of the tests.  As if I was going to bother him so much.   I just needed an explanation now and then.  

The thing is, the father probably hurt his son more than I would have, by adding so much stress to his life and making him worry worry worry for two years.   That for sure did more damage than any bother I would have done.  

Idiot. Jerk father.   I sure would like to find that kid, Martin Haschka, and see what is up with him these years.   I am sure he turned out fine. He was smart.  

Designed to stress kids
So here it is some years later and my daughters have to go through the same thing.  But I am not going to stress them out with worrying.  I have always just wanted them to have a nice childhood with friends and doing things and going places and learning at a leisurely, non stressful pace.  But noooooo.  My daughter was stressed out even by herself.  She felt how important it was to get into the Gymnasium and she took extra curricular classes and a special class on learning the tests etc etc... all year.   Ok, it wasnt me. So, if that was what SHE wanted then I had to let her do that.  But I didnt like it.  A ten year old is still a kid and should enjoy her life and be a kid, not stress out about getting into the equivalent of kids university.  That is just lllllll up.   

I have to say, not to sound like a patriot or arrogant, but the American system is much better.  Everyone stays together.  If parents want their kids to go to a special school, they can pay for it and put them in a private school.  Otherwise all the kids are together and pretty much stay together till the end of grade school at the end of 12th grade.  Sure there are tests, there always is, and stress, but not on the par of as I call it, having to get into kids University.  In the US we dont stress out till we have to study for the SATs to place.  But that is at the end of 11th grade or in 12th grade.  Not when you are ten.  There is a big difference.  

Its been like that forever in Europe, and I dont see them going to change the system in my lifetime.  But why?  Why stress out a ten year old?  Even an 11 or 12 year old.  They should be kids playing hockey and volleyball and acting and taking things they want to take after school, or being with friends.  They shouldnt be forced to be stressing out because they have to take a test which could change their life... from when they are ten years old!!!.  This is just stupid.  But, I wont change it, and that is how it is. I can just write my disagreement in this post blog.  

I wish all the kids who have to take these tests good luck, but the thing is, a good good portion of them wont get into gymnasium when they try the first, the second or maybe not at all.  But I think it will still work out for them.  Parents try to scare their kids and say, "you will be working in the grocery shop if you dont get into gymnasium", but me with my optimism think (or hope) they will end up finding some job they like or making money they like.  They wont be damned to a life in the grocery shop.  Or maybe they will want that.  Thats ok too.   

I cant put some final word on this except that I have to thank my lucky stars I grew up in America and didnt have to stress out when I was ten about these tests.  My life would have been completely different if we had had them.  And I feel sorry forall he kids who have or will have to take these tests.   Stupid European system.  

Someone gave me a bunch of CDs last week and this CD was among them, and I rather liked it a lot.   I didnt know that it was actually Joni Mitchells best selling most popular album.  I thought something else was.  It is rather nice because it has a nice twist of jazz in it which she was getting into and jazz would be big in her life from then on.  She had concerts with Pat Metheney and Jaco Pastorius which is pretty impressive.