Anyway, I was out with a friend who is quite wise and usually creates a beautiful epithet, or a major thinking point in our discussions. But this time I pat myself on the shoulder because I think I came up with a doozer of a thought.
I am going to have to do some explaining on this first and that wont relate to dadding. But it will end up connecting to being a dad once I get the background down.
I think I have said someplace in some other blog that really your whole day is rather downtempo, ritual except maybe 15 minutes when the adrenalin really gets going and something high tension or really exciting happens. But that is just for such a little part of the day. I dont care if you are a priest or the president of the United States. Most of your day is not "on the move". Even though nobody reads this blog besides me and maybe two others (I dont know them) you are probably saying, "he doesnt have my job". But sorry I dont care if you are stationed in a military zone or a drug addict, most of your day is low tempo. AND if you do have an event which is high adrenaline for longer, then after the low "nothing happening" is even longer. You party friday night till Saturday morning and then you sleep for twenty four hours. A drug addict takes some speed and is speeding for the whole day. Then he sleeps for 36 or more. Or if he does keep taking more drugs, then he eventually burns out and goes crazy or dies or sleeps for weeeks on end. If you are in the army and there is a battle, its crazy for several hours. Then you sit in your fox hole and nothing happens for a week or you get up your stuff and sludge on. You get the idea. The high tension is followed by 4x as much low tempo. That is my theory. Like it or laugh at it, but think of any other example.
And look, if that were not true, I dont think you would live very long. The adrenaline is not meant to go and go and go. It is used for a spike and then it dies down. You get passed the battlion and you run run run for a little while then you pass it to someone else and stop. Or else your boss yells at you or you have a high powered meeting and then you get back to your desk and start writing or look at the computer or get a glass of water and your body... decompresses.
The other point is one side of the coin, there is Sheryl Sandberg, writing a bookIm Sheryl, I can do anything
saying "if you would just be like me, you would be a millionaire, or break the glass ceiling, or be a big magnate etc.... " No no no. Listen sweetie Sheryl, that is the point, most of us are not you. Yeah, pat yourself now on the back, you are special, but most of us are not and will not be you or even be like you. On the other side, there are a lot of weird people it seems who are written about regularly in the bulvar magazines all across the country (in actually any country you live in) who are cutting up their kids and putting them in the freezer. Or trying to shoot mistletoe from a tree with their guns so they can sell it at the christmas market, or have a meth lab in their basement. You would think there is a thousand meth labs in all the small towns.
mummified' baby in a box
Although there are a plethora of these stories, the truth is, the grand, great majority of us are neither meth lab baby killers nor Sheryl Sandbergs or even Elon Musk Zuckerbergs, thank god for that. We are in the middle, mediocre regular people. And that is not a bad thing. And maybe for about 15 minutes, maybe half an hour a day we have a really exciting adrenaline ripping event. But then we settle back down into our rituals, whatever that may be.
So, the point being future dads: If you think that being a dad and staying home from some other job is going to be boring, stunt your career, or deaden your mind. I have news for you. No it wont, and your regular job is just as mind numbing, boring and even worse maybe than being a dad at home. In other words, being a dad at home is JUST THE SAME as any other job. It has its 15 minutes of pure adrenaline pumping excitement but most of it is ritual, standard. I can see that you still dont believe me, that your other job is just the same as being a dad, or very close to it. Think about all the jobs out there and being a parent, probably for a small baby or toddler and if you look at it long enough and put all the jobs in front of you, you will see what I am talking about.
Really the only difference is, and if more dads stayed at home, I think this would change too, we dont get paid for being a parent. Males would suddenly wake up and see that the shoe is on the other foot and think that maybe this child raising job wasnt as easy as they thought it was (when only women did it) and that it should be somehow compensated. But I digress.
I want to make the announcement. Dads, dont be afraid of banality. The truth is, your other paying job wasnt so high powered and being an at home father is just as much if not more high powered. Look, what were you doing at your other job? You were organizing marketing campaigns and in meetings but most of the time sitting at your desk thinking and planning and executing. And now what are you doing at home? You are racing around trying to get things done to keep things from falling apart. You got to keep the meals coming, which means you have to have the food ready, which means you have to plan it and organize the supplies, all before the tummies start making a lot of noise and people start throwing stuff at you.
You have to keep the clothes clean, the kids clean (if they are young) and the house clean and the kitchen clean all in a timely manner. Look, if any one of these areas starts to slip or you let it slide, it will get out of hand and it will be just double the work the next morning. If you dont do the dishes in the night. They are still there in the morning and more are added to them. And if you stop getting to them, the problem is not going to go away, it will just get worse. Same with having food around. And unlike the office where you can work on one area to decrease the pile, if you work just on one thing at home, the other areas are just going to pile up and up too. If you suddenly say I am going to get to these dishes, then you realize it is getting later and dinner takes so long to prepare and its going to be terribly late if you dont stop this and start that.
You have to understand what I am getting at. And to top it off, there is always a few points in the day which are just truly relaxing, kind of like lunchtime at work, or truly adrenaline pumping. Ie, if you have a baby it is my opinion that changing the diaper is in a strange way a "go getter" 10 minutes in the day. It can be a real harrowing activity if you have a hyper baby. Or for me, getting up at 5 am or sometime in the middle of the night to make a milk was a little like a fireman fighting a fire, yes in a way. That is my opinion. Maybe there are other events which get the adrenaline going.
So can i put this together now?
The first point is that the great majority of us live our lives in the mediocre middle, which is not a bad thing. We are not high nor low, we are good solid middle people, who dont kill, but are not living on the planet of the billionaires. Billionaires are really a weird other worldly type of person. It aint me. You aint one either.
The second point is, our jobs as dads are going to be just the same as any other job we might have , or we did have or we are not doing because we are a dad. There are mostly middle mediocre times in which we do our job and try to get it done because we have to and if we didnt, it would only get worse.
In fact, as the kids get older, there are a lot of nice times like playing monopoly on Sunday or even watching a movie on Saturday night. In fact that can be nicer than your other job. Swimmng in the lake every afternoon and tossing the football during vacation. Come to think of it, unless you really love your job, you might even have more high exciting nice points in your day as dad to your kids than being in some other job which you are just doing your market campaign.
Dads, dont be afraid,... dont be afraid of being dads. A) You can do it B)it is really similar to any other job.
Go for it dads.