I have to start this post now. I keep saying I will, but don't. Keep saying I have to do research, but don't. So, go. Lets start it. Just jump right in and say it.
Men can not be good Fathers because they have such big egos!! That is what I have to say.
Destroy your ego. Stomp on it. Shut it down. At least ignore it.
In so doing, you will become a stronger Father and a happier one and one who will enjoy his kids more. Because let me tell you what you have to do to earn Father of the year award, or even come close.
It is not good enough to just push your little one on the swing in the park. You have to climb up with them and go down the slide. You have to fit in those tube slides that scare the bejubbas out of me that I may not fit in them and get caught inside like Homer Simpson did on the tube water slide. Not to mention that I am claustrophobic and it reminds me of being in a coffin. I have to do it. I did it.

This slide is way bigger than the coffin tube slide
I was in. This one I did, was great fun. If I hadn`t been the only adult going down it with 20 other kids waiting for me to go down.
You have to ride on the other side of the see saw and bounce your kid going up and down. In the process they will laugh so hard and tell you to keep going and keep doing it. And you have to. I did that one too, many times.
You have to ride on those little bikes that go in a circle and look funny because you are way over sized for the thing, and pedal. Your feet will hit the ground and your knees are uncomfortable, and inside your mind you are saying, "Oh jeez I must look like a maniac. I feel like a fool," but you have to. I did that one.... mm, once or twice, maybe three times when another adult was on with me.
You have to get down in the sand box and dig big holes and put the sand in different forms of fish, frogs and trains and pack down the sand and say, "chary Mary hup" and dump the form out and say "Yeah" that it came out correct. And you have to take a spoon and pretend to eat the sand when your child hands you the "cake" they just made and say, "MM, deeelicious cake". And you have to sit on the edge of the sandbox or even in the sandbox and get along side your youngster and be there getting your hands and pants dirty.
But if you have a big ego, you just wont do that. And.... you just wont qualify for Father of the year award. And... you just wont even enjoy being a Father.
And it is all because you have a big ego and or an inferiority complex. You are afraid of what people will think that you are doing these "weird" things, like... like playing around with your kids, digging around in the dirt and being a caring Father.
After my second girl was born, things were tough. Its one thing to take one child to the park, but two? And one can`t barely walk and is still in the pram? Then you are really looking like "A Mommy" in the put down pejorative sense. You might as well admit that you don't have a money making job and your wife is the breadwinner of the family and swallow every bit of your big hard to chew down pride.
Then, I had to leave the park and take them home. Home was pretty close by, 10 minutes normal walk. We didn't have a car, we didn't need one, living in the city. But that meant that I had to walk the family home. When I had to walk under this viaduct (pictured below) along this busy street with cars and buses streaming by while I pushed a big carriage with one baby in it and my other little girl rode on her little red motorcycle and everybody took a glimpse of me when they drove by and I felt like, yes, inferior product, then I knew that I had a problem. I either had to hide out during the work hours and look like I was on my job break when I was being a "public" Father, or I had to at least ignore this ego I had, or better yet stomp on it and rip it up.
This is the viaduct we had to go through. Usually more cars. |
Guess which one I did?
(to be continued)
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