See, we try to trade off. I have a couple days during the week when I am free from my business to pick them up and do whatever needs to be done. We switch off. Mostly I was doing two days in the working week with them. That is why I call myself Daddy 40 per cent. Because I was daddy two working days out of five. 40%.
There were times in earlier years when I was doing hundred per cent. But I have to say that this last year, I haven't been as much of an at home Father. Not through my own fault. As I said, I had to deal more with my faltering business and my wife had more time to pick up the reins. Though I am saddened by the fewer hours I was with my kids. They always seem to latch on to me more and like me to a greater extent when I spend extra hours with them. We are creating stronger bonds.
This last year I have been, sadly, Daddy 10 per cent, more like it. I don't like it. But as my Bio in Google states, I have a small business. And in the last year, it just was not working out with sales and with the workers. There were so many complications and business was worse again. And as I have written in another place, I am a Father, a small businessman, and trying to learn investing. Sometimes it all works, sometimes it doesn't. This last year, it was not working as well.
But that is why I am thankful that it is the two of us, two parents. Two parents always works much better than one. I look at single moms and for the life of me, I don't know how they handle both a job which usually they MUST go to (I can usually fiddle around with the times or days I go to work) and also bringing up their kids. I don't think this is good for anyone. And statistics show that single parents are more likely to be under the "making ends meet" or even in poverty. That makes me sad.
That is why I think it is more important these days to, and I am going to go off on a tangent maybe here, 1) have protected sex or rhythm method sex, and 2) be with someone who you have tested and you want to be with. Raising kids is difficult. It can really strain the relations of the parents. But breaking that relation damages everyone, probably most the kids. And the aforementioned fact that it is just harder to bring up kids with just one parent. Sadly many parents fall into poverty doing it.
So, I really recommend you stay away from raising kids until you have a partner that you want to raise the kids with. And remember, nobody is perfect. You have problems and faults too. You will have problems and stresses, but stay strong if you have kids. If you are having problems in your relationship with your spouse, go to a marriage counselor. Really, it isn't terrible, it can be necessary and the right step.
I can not stress enough that two happily married parents are so much better for everyone.
Here is a song I have been listening to a lot which fits into the topic. Give it a listen, hope you like it
1000 piece puzzle done
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