Tuesday, March 19, 2024

15 year olds su... are not liked


Nobody likes 15 year olds.  A lot of people even hate them.  They still need help and guidance. 

When I was in my 20s and going to clubs with my mate, he told me a story that just happened.  He was sitting talking to a girl and finally he asked her how old she was and she said she was 15.  He ran away.  VERY quickly.  

Older people in clubs and meeting places dont like 15 year olds because they are dangerous.  Jailbait.  Stay away.  If you are a pedofile and like them, you still stay away from them. Pedofiles stay at home and just look at pictures, they dont often have physical contact, but you should not quote me on that (I am definitely not an expert on pedofiles).  Any and every male knows that the fastest way to get into trouble is to even walk within ten feet of a fifteen year old in a club.  "Can I buy you a drink?"   "Yes, sure but I cant drink, I am 15 years old"  "Fine, I ll get you a coca cola and I will never see you again," is the best answer.   Males in their twenties, unless you are R Kelley, stay away from mid teen girls.  Why are they even in clubs?  Well in Europe I guess they are allowed to be.  Or maybe all ages places, but if you are in your twenties, especially a male, but even a female, run away from them.  

Even older teenagers dont like 15 year olds.   If a couple older teen agers want to go to a coffee bar, but there are 15 year olds, they will say icily, "Lets not go there, there are 15 year olds there. I d rather stay away from them."  If 15 year olds frequent a place, all others stay away. Or sit on the other side of the room from them.  

And even kids younger than 15 stay away from them. "They think they are so cool, I dont want to go in there with them, lets stay away."  Nobody wants to be around them.  

15 year olds are on the cusp of both worlds and they mess it up in both of them.  They dont want to be kids anymore, but they dont understand what it is to be an adult.  They think they are adult or they want to be adults, but they are not. They are 15.   15 isnt even 17 and even 17 is young.  15 isnt 12 years 
old or even 13 and 13 used to be the age that girls could get married or "given away" in other traditonal societies.  But not anymore.  13 year olds have slipped back down to the pre teen group even though they are teen and 15 year olds have taken the place of the once marriageable 13 year old.  

But 15 is older than 13 and 13 year olds are young and small compared to 15 year olds.  15 year olds are bigger.  A lot of them CAN pass as adults if they watch some turd on instagram about how to put on make up and look older blah blah blah.   

And that is the problem.  

15 year olds want to get into being an adult.  So they will do anything, be more crazy, try to act way more mature than they are and just try to be what they think being an adult is.  But they dont know. And they mess it up. They go too far and they take it too far.  And that makes them dangerous, and everyone knows that except the 15 year olds. Stalkers and pedofiles know it.   The mid teenagers  just say to themselves, "I am an adult, I can do that."  But the thing is real adults wont do those things.  They will stop and think about what is being asked and ask themselves, "Do I really want to do that?  Should I be doing that?"   See 15 year olds dont ask themselves that question, they just dive into it and they think they are cool and adult like because they are going for it.  

But no.  

15 year olds are dangerous to others and to themselves.  Because the frontal cortex is not asking the questions, it is not assessing the risk.  It just runs in and jumps.  Usually off a very high building.  

If you have 15 year olds in your house, my take is that they still need coaching. They still need guidance from the parent, although they will not ask for it and they will hate the parent for offering it.  They need it.  You are going to have to bite your lip and tell them, that is not a good thing to be doing. I think you are going too far.  See, I know you are 15 and that is getting older, but it isnt there yet and you still need some guidance from us even though you dont want it. Sorry, sometimes we are going to say things you dont like and which will make you feel like you are a stupid kid, but yes, we have to tell you and instruct still, because, you are just 15 and we dont want you getting involved with R. Kelley and all the R. Kelleys who are still out there.    

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