Tuesday, June 4, 2024

We have to see What it is about

I guess it is easier for me to do this because listening to new music is my job.  BUT, I have said several times, maybe not yet in a post in this blog, but here now,  that listening to new music helps keep you younger.  When you open yourself up to new things and new sounds and you dont get caught in your own box... well, quite often I am caught in my own box,  BUT not when it comes to music.  

So naturally I want to ask my 15 year old daughter what new music is out there and what she is listening to.  She counts herself as one of the smartest most expansive hip hop listeners in our area.   So of course I will ask her what is new and good. Not only does it help me keep up to date on that scene, but I enjoy talking about music and so does she. I think, even though she will still call me stupid about it, it makes her feel good that I ask her.  Maybe, maybe not.  

Granted, I am not such a hip hop fan as I used to be. I was listening to the second wave of hip hop with Public enemy and De La Soul and Boogie down Productions. But in the 90s I got away from it and started listening and selling more of the new branches of punk. 

In the last two years or so, I recognize that hip hop itself is entering its 4th or 5th wave of popularity.  I have to admit I hadnt even heard of guys who are huge and have been around for ten years or so like Tyler the Creator and Future maybe.  

Now in the past month or two I have been actively trying to increase my knowledge and selection of hip hop artists.  I didnt want to get Cardi B because.... um... from what I heard I didnt think I would like anything about her.  But I did.  I ll listen.  I like Tyler.  Sometimes he is too cheesy and more RnB than hip hop, but he walks the line, he straddles the fence, just as De La Soul did.   

But see that is really the connection I want to make between me discovering new younger music and a way toward more peace in the world. Huh? You are going to say.  But listen listen. 

  We have to keep wanting to discover and keep ourselves open to new experiences and ways of life.  Otherwise we just close ourselves off more and more and live in our closedgate community. Not only that but we understand other people less and their ways AND we don't understand why they can't see things our way.  

Then we are just two tribes warring against each other to establish our own views and way of life on the other.  Think about it.  Where is that happening in the world? 

It isn't as difficult as it used to be.  In the past we WERE little enclaves fighting each other and the people in the next town over were our biggest rivals and bigger cities farther away might as well have been another planet.  

But in these days we can see what is up in other countries on the other side of the planet with the click of a button.  Granted, I think it is rather shallow and lacks depth and understanding, but, we dont see them as from another planet.  

When you can first a)recognize differences OR similarities, then b)acquiesce or understand them then c)empathize with them or at least have nothing against them.... then, then I think we are getting someplace.  

It doesnt have to be music. Music is the easiest for me.  It can be food or culture or religion even.  

And all this can start with you listening and paying attention more to what your kids are into.  If you can see what's up with your kids and what they are into, then it is an easy step to check out whats happening in other societies and other places in the world.  

One person, one step at a time, peace can be achieved.  A.B.C


I recommend any of Tyler, the Creators last albums:

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