But, what should be in the second place of terrible things for teenagers is all smoking and all types of cigarettes.
Why after over 60 years of all the evidence of harm cigarette smoking causes do teenagers STILL want to try and start to smoke? With all the details of the problems that will occur, I could ask why anyone would still smoke.
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1964 first Surgeon generals report on the dangers of smoking |
I should say of course that I am not a doctor and I am not a psychologist so all opinions expressed in this post are my own and do not come by scientific method. However, many of my opinions are based on long standing scientific information and I am a good reader and you too can read and find out about from the scientific sources which have been scientifically tested.
To look at it with no emotions, I would say there are a couple things which still push teenagers to smoke
1. The most important is probably peer pressure and social dynamics among teenagers. In other words their immediate school and friend and non friend environment. Teenagers are greatly influenced by their social environment.
2. Again because teenagers' (see my two sides of the coin post here) brains are developing and it causes them to make often bad decisions. Yet decisions which they want to make to push or test the waters of "allowability". In other words they want to do things which werent allowable as kids but now they feel they are older and want to try them. Bad or good. The more taboo it was, the better.
3. Parents smoke so the kids see that and figure its ok for them to smoke. Now they are teenagers and nearly adults they should do adult things, or things they perceive as adult --- good or bad or whether it is good or bad for them doesnt matter.
So now I have to connect this with my life. This is my journal. But I have to think back to my youth and remember that my brother started smoking when he was 14ish and it was a great great disappointment to my parents whom neither smoked. I think at the time it was not prohibited for parents to hit their kids and my father may have struck my brother for smoking or at the very least yelled hard at him. My brother was much more difficult than my daughter, and my father probably had to be very strict and tough with him. Still I wonder if a good discussion sitting down and talking about it wouldnt have been better. My brother moved out soon after he was 16. I dont think my fathers' yelling worked.
So here is my older teenage daughter who started to smoke. I am very very disappointed. And obviously my third point above that teenagers see their parents smoking doesnt apply. Neither my wife nor I smoke. My wife DID smoke when she was a late teenager, so actually, my daughter refers to that, which is the same thing as point three above. So ... there it is.
Still I couldnt hit her, I didnt even really yell at her. I simply told her my feelings that I think it is a very very bad thing especially for her body at this time. It does terrible things to the body especially now in her growing time and her brain too. And that I was very very disappointed with her smoking. I did tell her that she was not allowed to smoke in the house. On occasion or once a week I tell her that if she is still smoking I am very very sorry that she is and that she should know how bad it is for her. Whether or not that impresses her or on the contrary eggs her on to keep smoking is a question. Again, point 2 above. Bad doesnt matter. Trying "taboo" things is good. And if they are recognized as things adults do, even better.
I AM disappointed that she is smoking. But I think that it shows that number
one, her environment, is stronger than parental guidance, or can be. Maybe her mother can dissuade her better than I can. I am not sure hitting as perhaps my father did (though he probably wouldnt have hit a daughter) or even yelling is the answer. Though I can not quite say that serious discussion works either.
To tell you the truth I am kind of at a loss and just have resigned to riding it out and keep telling her that it is bad and I am disappointed. But again, maybe her mother can persuade her and she will stop at her stronger bidding.
I really cant say how I would have reacted if I had had a son. Probably just the same.
If you are a parent who smokes and see your kids starting to smoke you should really educate yourself on how really bad smoking is for teenagers growth. Just when they need their body in really good working order while it is making a huge growth spurt in the brain and the body, smoking causes probably irrepairable damage in the body and brain. For instance, while I dont have a link here and should, smoking can stunt your growth, for boys moreso, and you wont reach your full height. Smoking stunts all and damages all your body's growth. As a result you wont reach as good an endpoint if you hadnt smoked. In other words you as a person in body and knowledge wont reach the same heights that was meant for you. You stunted them by smoking. Might I add that if you can persuade your kids to hold off as long as possible until they are past their teenage years, it wont be "as bad" to smoke. But the younger they start the worse off they will be.
This I believe quite strongly. That smoking of all sorts is a huge damage to teenagers, to all people and society, but even more to teenagers.
And yet I cannot sit by my teenager 24 hours a day and make sure she doesnt smoke. Nor can I hit her, "knock some sense into her" so to speak as maybe my father thought he was doing to my brother. I am at a loss for something which will definitely make her stop smoking. My only tactic is discussion, education and strong persuasion, and the hope that maybe my wife can do better. None of which I am confident will work.
When I wrote this post idea down in my book of ideas, I thought it would have some conclusion and I thought it would have another direction. But now in writing I have gone in another direction and have come to no conclusion. All I can say is maybe you know something that can work better or that like life it is a work in progress. Some of it is bad and some is quite good. I guess that is parenting overall.
I hope the new year is still new and fresh for you. Try to keep it fresh and not slide into a winter blues depression. It is quite cold out in many many places and other world issues are not being resolved. If you made new years resolutions push yourself not to drop them yet nor get frustrated with them. Give yourself a kick to keep yourself going forward. Dont lie down for a winter hibernation. It is tempting when the weather is so cold. But do make sure you get enough sleep to fight all the winter sicknesses out there. Best to you all.
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