Monday, December 15, 2014

Cultural Diversity is like being a Dad part I

You will have to pardon me on this post.  Grant me time for a little rant.  Humor me.  It should serve as an introduction to a very big topic of research, but I have to keep it to a couple paragraphs today, and by far not completely thought out.  Very rough.   Furthermore I started thinking about this a couple weeks ago when I was getting sick.  Before I get sick, I always become more emotional.

The thing is, this is a big topic these days, especially in European countries who are experiencing a great influx of immigration.  The question is:  Can we live together?  Many people see more violence among groups and throw up their hands and say, "Why should we even try?" and they wouldn't mind if we end up in separated camps, even gated communities closed off from all "undesirables".  Its a tough question.  And as I said, I have only very rough ideas on this right now not worked out.  But I think these questions pertain and are related exactly to my feeling that fathers everywhere should spend more time with their kids.

How did I get from A to B on this topic?  Easy.  It is strongly recognized that cultural diversity strengthens a population.  A very homogeneous group is in danger of dying out or weakening especially in the face of changes or diseases.  The flowers on the outer edge of the garden are the strongest as they are on the front line.  While the ones in the center are quite weak.  Those that are on the front line or on the edges of the group have to develop more and stronger defenses against the "outside world".  This is very elemental Gregor Mendel genetic research.  In short, those that marry their cousins have very weak DNA and we all know that inter family marriage among the royalty of Europe created some weak, funky individuals.  Colour blindness was the least of their problems.  But if you want something scientific to back it up, read the first couple paragraphs of this

Then how do you create a stronger, cultural diversity?  Why contact of course.  The comparable situation of the weak flowers in the center of the garden with no defense or diversity in their DNA is the gated community in my opinion.  Screened and pro rated, the gated community will have no diversity, only like minded same social economic status individuals and families.  No contact with other groups.  There is no way that this type of community can create a strong well rounded individual who is able to see the viewpoints of others or understand others.

The same way, if you, as the father of your children have little or no contact with your children you will have little understanding of them.   Likewise your children will not benefit from your viewpoint during their growth and development.  Seeing from afar is not the same as one on one contact and time spent with them.  In other words, a father who plays an integral part in his children's upbringing with a sufficient amount of time with them will impart on them a greater diversity and singular viewpoint which the child would not get from just a motherly upbringing.  More contact equals a better understanding and a greater diversity for the child and a stronger individual to face the world.  Or here is another short but to the point article and also this one I will put in here even if I may not agree with all in this magazine.   

What I also wanted to go into was the decrease in child abuse.  But I will have to leave that for another one.  But I warn you, it will come.   And to think that all this came about just because I was getting sick.

Again, this was a very short and rough idea post. I shouldn't even post it.  Its not done.  I will make changes to it over the next days or weeks, but I really wanted to get the start of this, the rudimentary, "anfang" of this topic up on the site.  Please forgive my superficial start, but please make a comment of any sort right away.

Was listening to this while I was writing.

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