Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Easter egg hunting which method? A typically banal and trite tale by Max

I have been looking for and then hiding Easter eggs from the Easter Bunny for so many years that if I still had the eggs from my first hunt they would be fossils now.   So I am so shocked as to how this problem never ever came up in all my years of Easter eggs.  Such a big problem that it will cause me to change the methodology of Easter egg hiding in future years to see if something works better. 

I don't know.  Maybe since I was the youngest, my older sisters let me find some eggs even though they found them themselves first. Maybe. I dont know. They never said anything if they did. And as far as I recall we never compared how many eggs we each found and cried if we found less than our siblings. But then again, maybe my selective memory is blocking out problems which did occur when I was young, but I don't remember.  Maybe. 

Let me re create this sad sad tale. 

Last week from this writing was Easter.  As a tradition that stretches back to time immemorial, or at
A picture of me coloring eggs with my dad in the 60s...
wait, that might not be me.. or my father
least the 1960s in my family, the Easter bunny gave me stuff to hide for my daughters.  I think this was the first time we were out at the weekend cottage so I was given chocolates by the Bunny to hide both in the house and outside in the expansive garden.   I have always been the contact for the Bunny and he (or she) just gives me the contents, and it is up to me to hide them.   Me and Easter Bunny have, from prior years, worked out a long contract which I could post here as exhibit A, but um...its not in digital form, so it would be a lot of time to do so. 

At any rate, I hid an even amount of chocolates inside and outside.  I mean the Easter Bunny couldn't hide them overnight outside or they would have been eaten by animals or something.  Just one reason he has me do it.  Anyway, I digress again. 

It was meant and hoped that each girl would  find the same amount of chocolate pieces but somehow it came to be that my younger daughter had 2 more than my older with just one more chocolate to find.  So, a little too soon, I said, "and one more bonus is hidden in the hallway."  They both raced out there and again my younger daughter found that one too (placed in the dogs food bowl... while there was still food in it.  Wasn't that just plain nasty of me?  It was an ugly joke).   And then the mood of my older daughter changed to sulking and anger.  She started to yell at her sister that it was meant for her to find and it was no fair SHE had found it.  Not only that, but the younger sister,  very competitive when it comes to getting chocolate one would gather, was not playing by any "fair" rules and subsequently ALSO found the last chocolate in the other room.   Now my older daughter was just plain depressed with the situation, and furious with her sister.

"No fair.  No fair.  I should have found those last two.  The bonus was for me, AND the last one too.  No fair.  You shouldn't have found those.  They were for me." 

My family pose for the Easter egg hunt.  Oh wait
those aren't my daughters.  Mmm, that's not me either, but it is...
oh, not my wife either.
But her sister didnt pay any attention. 

There were still all the chocolates out in the garden, but to make a longer story shorter, my older daughter was angry and sad and she sulked the rest of the time and didn't care about looking for the chocolates anymore, or so it appeared.  The atmosphere was very damp, the game was not fun and the whole Easter tradition ruined this year.  If Niagara Falls had been near, I would have jumped into the river to go over the Falls.  And for anyone who has stood at the precipice of Niagara Falls before the water drops, on the Canadian Falls side, and has seen the water going over the edge, will know how scary this is.  But I would have jumped, just to end it all. I was just so sad the whole tradition this year had come off like this. 

I tried to surreptitiously help my older daughter find more chocolates outside, but she just sort of moped through it all and that didn't work either.  She was just so angry that her little sister had not played by fair rules of the game. And I had had such great hiding places out in the garden too.  Lost cause. 

What made matters worse was just two days ago, my older daugther had said she couldn't wait for the annual egg/chocolate hunting this year.  She was really looking forward to it.  All gone down the drain.

So, I repeat my question from the beginning: How is it, this problem has never occurred before?  When i was young, I really dont recall any fights or sadness that so and so found many more eggs and so and so didnt find as many.  Or maybe I am not remembering?  Maybe it did happen?  Should I ask my sisters?  I really dont want to. They'll think I am nuts.  Or they won't remember or care. 

And to the best of my knowledge it hasn't happened with my daughters before.  Maybe in all years passed they always found equal amounts?  I doubt it..  How have I overlooked this problem before?
Really you can not imagine the heartbroke I experienced because my older daughter was so devastated with her meager findings at the hands of her sister. 

stock photo fron internet of girls looking
for Easter eggs.  eh.... yawn.
So next year I am going to use methodology hunting instructions B or C.  Either B, they will each have their own chocolates (or whatever) to look for.  Daughter older will look for red and blue and younger daughter yellow and green, or whatever.  The only problem with that I keep thinking is that if one sister finds an egg of the other, they may rehide it where the other sister wont find it, like throw it in the toilet or in the garbage or something.  Then what?  I guess I could say, I dont know where that one is and hide another right away? 

OR method C,  I will have a communal pot and all product either daughter finds will go into one bowl to be divided equally after the show.  I can imagine that they may not like this method and will object because they would rather be competitive with each other and say, "I have four, how many do you have?"  Some of the fun will be taken out of it if they will have to pool the findings.  But I may have to squelch their dissent if they dont like this. 

Any ideas out there?  Any suggestions?  Any stories?  Don't overwhelm the system and all answer at once.  But I would appreciate any comments on what worked best for you if you have experienced this problem, or have in fact not because you had a good system. 

A couple weeks ago when we started lockdown because of covid-19 I first started finally organizing my whole record collection and putting some order to my Techno and House records.  I got the Techno stuff in order, but not the House music yet.  So while I have been writing I have been stopping every 7 minutes to turn over a House single or put a new one on.  Some of this stuff I haven't listened to in fifteen years and have forgotten what it was.  It is a very pleasurable rediscovery.  It feels like (listening for) the first time. 

NRK was a great label for deep house and house.  Miguel Migs "Laptop Excursion" on the "Feel It" single I really love.  Sadly I dont have any Ian Pooley on vinyl, just some on CD. I ll have to listen to the CD ep "The Allnighter"  I have tomorrow.  Really have a taste for that.  He  had the sound nailed.  What is he doing now? Answer: still mixing. The MAN!


  1. Communal pot defo the only solution. Also means for sure you know if they found them all. Maybe a special prize if they find them all. Was never a problem in my family though. Probably just a girl thing.

  2. I dont believe it is just a girl thing. If you did the communal pot every year then you are a smart person as that seems to have worked for you and never caused friction. I will try it next year. Thank you for your experience.
